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Gatsby Contentful Blog and Portfolio

A Gatsby starter for a portfolio with a blog, using Contentful as the CMS

Github Stars 29
Github Forks : 20
Last Commit Aug 6, 2020

Author Details:

Emanuele Buccelli
Gatsby Contentful Blog and Portfolio screenshot

A simple starter kit for creating a Portfolio website with a blog, all served by Contentful


  • Gatsby
  • Graphql
  • Contenful
  • Cypress
  • CSS Modules and Styled Components

🚀 Quick start

  1. Clone the repository

    Use git to clone the repository.

    # clone the project using Git
    gatsby clone  your-project-name
  2. Install the packages

    Navigate into your new site’s directory and install the required packages.

    cd your-project-name
    npm install
  3. Configure Contenful

    Get yourself a Contenful Account, create a new space and configure this project to use it with:

    npm run setup
  4. Start developing.

    Finally you are ready to see your project. Start the engine!

    gatsby develop
  5. Open the source code and start editing!

    Your site is now running at https://localhost:8000!

    Feel free to change everything you want!

  6. Test the application with Cypress

    There are some cypress tests defined in the ‘cypress’ folder. You only need to use

    npm run test:open:e2e

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