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Digital Garden

Build your own personal Digital Garden effortlessly with this Hugo theme

Github Stars 231
Github Forks : 76
Last Commit Jun 18, 2024

Author Details:

Varun A P
Digital Garden screenshot

Digital Garden theme is a well-optimized theme to build your personal digital presense.


  • Multi-column layout
  • Responsive Website, Optimized for mobile reading
  • Custom portfolio showcase layout
  • Social media links
  • Code highlighting (highlight.js)
  • Light and Dark mode
  • KaTeX math expression support
  • Fast performance with perfect score on Lighthouse (Report)
  • SEO optimized with support for Twitter Cards and Open Graph
  • Built-in 404 page
  • Google Analytics support
  • Sitemap and RSS feed for your content (OOTB with Hugo)

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