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Gatsby Headless Multilingual

A multilingual blog starter for Gatsby completely driven by an headless CMS.

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Headless Multilingual Starter for Gatsby with DatoCMS

A multilanguage blog starter for Gatsby completely driven by an headless CMS.


  • 100% Headless: create pages and articles, manage languages, branding, menus, posts per page, SEO, PWA settings, slugs and much more directly on DatoCMS.
  • Localize everything: Translate slugs, SEO meta tags, PWA settings, alt tags, WAI-Aria attributes, menus and much more directly on DatoCMS.
  • Localized SEO meta tags injection
  • Language switcher component swapping between different and equal slugs per locale
  • Automatic internal links localization using DAST and custom component
  • Multiple per-locale PWA manifest files generation on build time, dynamically injected to based on current language.
  • Correspondent localized content queried directly inside components by using GraphQL and useStaticQuery
  • Browser locale detection and redirection
  • Paginated archive pages, prev/next article navigation, social sharing and synthax highlighting.

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