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A starter to launch your blazing fast personal website and a blog, Built with Gatsby and Netlify CMS.

Github Stars 273
Github Forks : 130
Last Commit Jul 2, 2023

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A starter to launch your blazing fast personal website and a blog, Built with Gatsby and Netlify CMS.


  • A Blog and Personal website with Netlify CMS.
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Customize content of Homepage, About and Contact page.
  • Add / Modify / Delete blog posts.
  • Edit website settings, Add Google Analytics and make it your own all with in the CMS.
  • SEO Optimized
  • OpenGraph structured data
  • Twitter Cards meta
  • Beautiful XML Sitemaps
  • Netlify Contact Form, Works right out of the box after deployment.
  • Invite collaborators into Netlify CMS, without giving access to your Github account via Git Gateway
  • Gatsby Incremental Builds with Netlify.
  • For further instructions, take a look at in Github repo

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